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What We Offer

A Letter From Our Founder

3WaterColors is a non-profit organization that works passionately to transform the lives of underprivileged children. In a world that is full of stress and difficulty, there arises a need to have a culture full of enthusiasm, empathy, and collaboration which aids us to thrive in our work. We organize seminars, and training sessions, and provide informational materials such as pamphlets and brochures to help teachers and counselors recognize children who are either abused, neglected, sex trafficked or underprivileged.


Your single act of kindness in the form of partnerships and support will help limit and later this cycle of different types of abuse and neglect.


By educating those people who have direct contact with the children on how to recognize the signs and properly reach these children, many will be saved from repeated poor lives and future abusers. 



Sylvia Pradia



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Irrespective of race and nationality, 3WaterColors caters to children in Tarrant & Dallas counties aged between 5-18 years.


We take up the responsibility to encourage education. By educating young children and fulfilling their educational requirements such as providing them with school supplies, backpacks, laptops, tablets, school lunch fees, field trip fees, school activity fees, prom dresses etcetera. In a broader aspect, we also provide training platforms to teachers, work on the English Language skills in youth and children as well as support student-focused programs (afterschool programs, robotics and sports).


We cater to the nutritional and hygienic needs of the children by providing them with food, clothing, hygiene, and medical pack which includes; hygiene products such as hand sanitizer and face mask, vaccination cost, portable heaters, and fans. Moreover, the mental health of the children is also catered to by assisting them to attain emotional, social, and physical well-being. In short, we contribute towards creating a healthy and safe environment for children.


In the United States alone, more than four children die from child abuse and neglect daily. Over 70% of these children are below the age of 3. Boys (48.5%) and girls (51.2%) become victims at nearly the same rate. 2.9 million cases of child abuse are reported every year in the United States. And this is just what gets reported. Many of these children never get found, and during COVID, these children are now subject to being locked together with their abusers. We believe in creating a space for these children that is free from harm and danger. We do that by reaching out to people who are in direct contact with children and educating them to identify the signs and properly reaching out to these children many lives can be saved.


Your single act of kindness in the form of donations, partnerships, and support will help to limit and alter this cycle of different types of abuse and neglect. By educating those people who have direct contact with the children on how to recognize the signs and properly reach these children, many will be saved from repeated poor lives and

future abusers.



Motivational Speaker

Sylvia Pradia, Founder of 3WaterColors, is available for speaking engagements to educate the public about signs of neglect and abuse as well as interventions to safeguard children's physical and emotional well-being.


3Watercolors organizes seminars and training sessions and provides informational materials such as pamphlets and brochures to help teachers and counselors recognize children who are either abused, neglected, or underprivileged.


Building from personal experience, Sylvia can not only relate to the pain and suffering of the abuse but also testifies to the hope that comes from receiving a helping hand.


She speaks to many audiences, including case workers, first responders, foster care agencies, schoolteachers, counselors, children, and teens.


We Need Your Support Today!

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